United Methodist Resources Online
Sources the Pastor Recommends
The United Methodist Church
This is the webpage of the official UMC website and contains much useful information on our mission statement, social principles, Christian beliefs, common questions, and our Wesleyan heritage. Great for everyone from "Cradle Methodists" to vistors!
UMC Discipleship Ministries
This webpage is a great reference tool with many helpful tools in designing worship services and just understanding the significance of each Sunday in the church liturgical year.
Vanderbilt Divinity Library
This is a great website that provides all of the readings (or "lections") for each Sunday for the Revised Common Lectionary. Additionally there are daily lectionary readings that can deepen one's understanding of the Bible and connection to God. The Revised Common Lectionary is a three-year reading plan that covers the entire Bible.
Discipleship Resources
The history presented in this area is reprinted from an out-of-print book, A Brief History of The United Methodist Church, published in 1999 by Discipleship Resources (Nashville, TN), ISBN 0-88177-256-9. Reprinted with permission of Discipleship Resources and Discipleship Ministries.