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Kids & Youth Programming

Lee Road UMC treasures each young person in our faith community and nurtures their walk with Jesus!


Sunday Morning Bridge Kids (Children's Class) circa 10:15 AM

Meets in the Wanda Hamill Room after the children's message by the Pastor.  


Wednesday Bridge Kids (Enrichment Class) at 5 PM

Meets in the Wanda Hamill Room and activities vary from cooking classes, crafts, gardening, music lessons, etc.


Wednesday Evening Supper  at 6 PM

All kids eat free.  A delicious meal is served and kids go first in line and sit at the kids table.


Special Events and Trips Throughout the Year

Skating parties, zoo trips, outdoor "Movies By the Lighthouse", tubing down the Saluda, Upper State Fair, Trunk or Treat, Easter Egg Hunt, Community Block Party, etc.  Click Reflections to find out more.  


Sunday Kids' Participation in Worship

Lectionary readers (Bible passages),  acolytes (traditional service),  Holy Communion officiants (giving communicants juice in little cups or offering common cup for intinction, partaking in Holy Communion (United Methodist practice an open table), Children's Message by the Pastor


Confirmation Classes

Led by the Pastor and a Church Mentor for mature youth ready to discuss their faith beliefs.  


Led by experienced volunteers who have a ministry to work with very young children.



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