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Our Young Folks

Lee Road United Methodist Church treasures each young person that attends our church and seeks to nourish their Christian knowledge and love of Christ Jesus.  On Sunday mornings, most of our children attend the first part of the contemporary service in The Bridge at 10 AM.  They stay until after the children's sermon, and then they attend The Bridge Kids Sunday School. 

As Methodists, we directly involve children into the act of worship.  We invite all children to the altar for communion so that they will experience the grace of our Lord Jesus in this holy sacrament.  Our children also are trained to serve as acolytes in the traditional service at 11 AM if they wish to volunteer for this act of service.  They also occasionally assist the pastor as officiants during Holy Communion as well as help read lectionary passages from the Bible.  They participate in our outreach programs and put together packets of information about our church to give to the community.  As we celebrate our time together as a church, our children enjoy pool parties, zoo trips, skating, and movie nights.  

On Wonderful Wednesdays, we have a children's hour from 5-6 PM in The Bridge where we do character education, discipleship formation, music lessons, and homework assistance.  Following the children's hour, a  delicious and nutritious freshly prepared supper and an alternative meal for children.  There is no charge for kids' meals.  

Sadly, we currently do not have any babies or toddlers, but we are more than ready!  We have a wonderful, Godly staff of experienced nursery workers who stand ready to step in with wonderful clean facilities. 

All persons who work with children at Lee Road must comply with our Safe Sanctuary Policy which includes a background check.  If you are a first-time visitor with young children, please know that we are church who stands ready to help young people of any age.  As Jesus says in Mark 10: “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”

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